I am a woman whose heart yearns for realness. Realness for myself, but also realness for women around me, for I know with realness comes freedom! I long for greater confidence in Christ and hope to inspire those I come into contact with to feel the same. This is a blog about my journey to transform into something more beautiful, something more real, like a butterfly. These are ponderings from a willing heart.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Baby Steps

      As a child I always looked forward to maturing and getting older. When I was older I could sit at the adult table, when I was older I could drive, when I was more mature I would know more. I was always looking for ways to be wiser than my years. I liked to be with the adults, I liked having all the answers, I liked independence. As time has gone on and I have gotten older I can see that in many ways I am still obsessed with the idea of maturity. I want to be through the growing process with the Lord and have everything figured out. I don't want to be in the midst of uncertainty and confusion, I don't want to get things wrong over and over. This is where the Lord met me today in my quiet time.
      Since Lynnlee has been born I want nothing more than to appreciate every single new development, no matter how small. We were so excited the first time she smiled at us, the first time she rolled over, the first time she laughed, the first time she sat up... the firsts for our little girl have been monumental! There is no wishing for her to grow faster, for her to mature, each step is so sweet.  The Lord, the Ultimate Father, must feel the same way for me. He loves each and every little bit of progress I make in my relationship with Him. He celebrates each tiny baby step toward a closer and more mature relationship with Him. He doesn't wish away any of my learning moments, He doesn't get exasperated with my failed attempts, He shows me again how to do it correctly and provides another opportunity for me to try. God celebrates each conversation had where truth is spoken in love, where grace and mercy is extended, where His Word is spoken and elevated. He looks at my life as a whole, my past, my present, and He alone knows my future. He knows where I have come from, my past failures, He sees my present circumstances and the progress made thus far, and He also sees my future, the growth that will occur and the outcome. He knows each and every tiny step in the right direction is ultimately leading me toward holiness, toward Him.
      If the Lord is celebrating my tiniest of successes and growth then I suppose I should as well! When I fail and get it all wrong I know that God is forgiving and teaching me how to do it right. I know He will provide another opportunity to try again if I am willing to learn from my past mistakes and failures. There is no rush, there is no time limit, there is only this moment and this opportunity to take baby steps toward the one who sees and celebrate each and every one of them.

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