I am a woman whose heart yearns for realness. Realness for myself, but also realness for women around me, for I know with realness comes freedom! I long for greater confidence in Christ and hope to inspire those I come into contact with to feel the same. This is a blog about my journey to transform into something more beautiful, something more real, like a butterfly. These are ponderings from a willing heart.

Monday, December 30, 2013

2013 coming to a close... thoughts for 2014

     I am super ready for 2013 to be OVER... don't get me wrong a whole lot of awesome things have happened in 2013, Levi was born in March, my relationships with my church family have deepened and matured, Lynnlee has potty trained (can I get a hallelujah!) and we have one of the sweetest Christmases I have ever had.  Those are all beautiful things, wonderful things, blessings... but to say this year has been easy would be weaving a way more pretty picture than what is reality.  I am learning, I am growing, and those things never come easily for me.  I tend to learn things the hard way and God is a relentless pursuer (Thank You Lord for that!) and does not let me off the hook until the lesson is learned.  So in saying that I came across this quote this morning... "We must beware of believing that it is okay for us to condemn as long as we are condemning the right things.  It is not so simple as all that.  I can trust Jesus to go into the temple and drive out those who were profiting from religion, beating them with a rope.  I cannot trust myself to do so."- Dallas Willard     Now I would not say that I am a perfect person by any stretch of the imagination, but I do strive to love others in a non-judgmental kind of way.  So why does this quote mess with my heart so much?  I am wrestling, I really want to get this, I want to love others the way that Jesus asks of me, the way He loves those around Him.  Unconditionally, without judgment wooing them to Him.  I desire to be that person, you know the type, the kind of person who just being in their presence makes you feel more at peace with yourself.  No measuring up, trying to figure out if you are okay or not.  No wondering what they are thinking of you, your kids, your body, your house, your bank account, your husband... Just feeling the love of the Lord flowing through them.  I am praying that in 2014 my heart will reflect the love of Jesus more clearly, more passionately, more fully.  I will leave the judgment to the Lord, the knower and seer of all things.  My job is simply to love.  That is a 2014 resolution I can stand behind.